Sponsorship- Thank You

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This will get updated over the remaining few days before we go by myself and Dave. Firstly a massive thank you to everyone who has sponsored us. Not only will all of your support help get us to Gambia but we now have quite an impressive collection of equipment to donate (see previous post).

Sponsors so far

The boys come up trumps again, thank you very very much Rich

Thank you for buying into the whole idea and helping get the ball rolling, paricularly my Mum, Hi mum

Medlock Construction
Thank you Kate and all her friends at Medlock for sponsoring us and to Warren for donating pretty much all of the non automotive tools and equipment and some of the automotive stuff as well

Our Finances so far

Edison Schools Direct to Pageant.................... £1200
Edison Schools to IBFC....................................£800
BOC Edwards..................................................£250
Jet and Helicopter...........................................£100
Crazy Horses Racing .......................................£100
Pa Branfield ....................................................£56 worth of jerrycans

Chris Friends and Family .................................£430

Dave Friends and Family..................£510

Total Donated ..................................................£3390

Total(-) Edison donation to Pageant.................. £2190
This is the amount that will be taken in cash of various currencies and on a dedicated credit card


Sponsorship money is being used for the following only. All other costs i.e. buying the car, flights, innoculations, accomodation not listed, car tax and insurance etc has already been paid by Dave and myself.

Amount spent is listed if the items have already been bought

Car parts and spares ...............................£200 Crazy Horses, Vegantune, Jet & Helicopter
Car fluids, purchased tools...................... £250 BOC Edwards
purchased equipment, inc 1st aid............ £116.44
Fuel from France onwards .......................£-
Med. Ferry ..............................................£-
Moroccan Insurance................................£-
Food supplies ex meals 'out'.....................£-
Camp sites.............................................. £-
Senegalese Ins.........................................£-
Border 'fees' ...........................................£-
Desert/Minefield Guide.......................... £-
Resources for Edison Schools ..................£- From Edisons £800 donation

At the end of the rally the money we did not need to get the car to The Gambia will be donated to PAGEANT, I will complete a matched donation form and BOC Edwards will match this donation pound for pound, doubling what we can give to PAGEANT.

This is NOT a final finanncial account, we will publish this after the rally but it is the most accurate desription of our Sponsorship to date.

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